


Weingarten University Library


Library guide


Library contacts and opening hours

You can contact the library by post, telephone or e-mail:

Hochschulbibliothek Weingarten
Kirchplatz 2
88250 Weingarten

Telephone: Information desk 0751-501-8368
Chief librarian 0751-501-8367
E-mail: Information desk
Issue desk
Chief librarian


Opening and service hours:

please take notice of short-termed changes on our homepage ”Aktuelles” 

Opening hours Time Times of Service
Mo 9 bis 20  9 bis 14
Di 9 bis 20  13 bis 18
Mi 9 bis 20 9 bis 14
Do 9 bis 20 13 bis 18
Fr 9 bis 20 9 bis 14
Sa 9 bis 16
You can pick up your "Inter library loans" only at our times of service. On Saturdays there is no service!

During vacation: Any variations to these opening hours will be posted in the library and on our homepage .


Library A - Z

Access to books

Library holdings

The library holdings consist of  200.000 printed books,130000 eBooks an 20.000 eJournals.
The collection include the fields of education, technology, economics, engineering and design.

In addition, journals, specialist databases and numerous other services are available.

The Hochschulbibliothek Weingarten is an open-access library. Some 200.000  printed volumes are located
on open shelves.Additional over 130000 e-books.  The collections are arranged by different classification
systems so that the books of similar subject can be kept together and have a unique shelf address or call
number as well (holdings of the University of Applied Sciences and the University of Education on the Ground
and First Floor). The books of the University of Education in the open stacks are divided into subject groups
, e.g. arts, sports, mathematics…

Our collections are according to the Regensburger Union Classification and have a standardized scheme
for the complete holdings.

A class mark consists in general of three principal elements:  classification number and author marks.

      Example:  HG 530 M435
HG 530 is the classification number for literature concerning English poetry,   

M 435 is the coding of the author’s name.

For more information please view our homepage (Quick link “Literatursuche”) or contact the reference librarian.


Book Return Box

There is a book return box located near the entrance of the Fruchtkasten. It enables you to return items before the circulation desk is open.

Borrowing/Lending Period/Fines

The lending period is 30 days and 14 days for bound journals and can be renewed  times in self-service
via the OPAC or on application unless a reservation has been placed by another user. Books within "Semesterapparaten", current periodicals and newspapers are restricted to use in the library only ;
short loans overnight or at the weekends may be permitted. 

Fines are charged on all overdue items. 

Please report the loss or theft of items on loan to you at the issue desk immediately to prevent fines accumulating. If the item is not found you will have to cover the cost of its replacement.

If you have an outstanding fine you cannot carry on borrowing any items.


Catalogues / How to find a book

You will need to consult the library’s catalogues to find out whether a particular book is in stock and to obtain the shelf marks or call numbers of the books you require. The call number enables you to locate a book on the library’s shelves. It is important, therefore, that you note this number carefully.

OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)

There is a 24-hours access to the library’s online catalogue OPAC via internet. Research (formal or subject retrieval) is opened to everyone. Orders, extensions and other actions in the own user’s account are possible to all users enrolled in the library providing user number and password.


Guided Tours

Guided library tours are offered regularly. For schedule please see our library homepage and information posted in the library. Additional dates may be arranged for group tours.

Meeting point is in the entrance hall in front of the notice board.

Information Desk

The Reference Librarian will help you to use the catalogues and information sources and
to assist you using the library.

Staffed:  Mo, We, Fr  09:00 a.m. - 14:00 p.m,
               Tu,Thu,        13:00 p.m. - 18:00 p.m.                   


If you find that a book or journal article that you’re looking for is not stocked by us, we can usually obtain it for you through our Inter-Library-Loans Service. There is a non-refundable charge of 1.50 Euro per item. To use this service please ask a librarian at the information desk.

Lending conditions/Registering as a member

A valid student card serves as reader’s pass for students enrolled in the University of Education or the University of Applied Sciences Weingarten. Other users may receive a user card free of charge. To register, please bring your identity card or passport, including an official registration of residence. Minors require the written consent of their legal guardians. Please notify us of any change in address. By registration you accept our library regulations.

Library regulations

The full text of the library regulations is available on our homepage.

Click the link Unser Service für Sie.

New Acquisitions

You can browse the titles recently added to the library’s collections on our catalogue.
Click on the link "Neuwerwerbungen".

Ordering a new book for the library

Suggestions of new books are welcome. An online suggestion form is available on our catalogue. Before ordering please check the library catalogues to see if the title required is already held by the library.


Books on loan can be reserved via the catalogue. Click on the link “Vormerkung” and fill in your user number and password. You’ll get a notification that you can collect the book at the circulation desk within 10 days.

Rules to observe while visiting the library

In the entrance hall you can find  lockers.

Please do not  smoke in the library and do not use your mobile phone.